About Us
House Painting Plus
The Contractor You Need, Replace Siding.
house painting plus a company with 30 years of experience providing our services in Atlanta, GA, experience in residential and commercial work, our focus began by providing the painting service, but now we are proud to be able to provide more, such as remodeling, floors, siding, deck builder and more, But if you need a contractor now, do not hesitate and leave everything in our hands, call now for more information.
Services Remodeling Services
If you want to remodel an area of your house to give it a new style or give it more valuable if you want to sell it, leave it in our hands and we will take care of giving your house a spectacular new style, be it remodeling your kitchen or bathroom or another place in your home. call us to give you a free estimate.
Our Experience Painting Contractor
There are many stories of painters who do not leave things the way you want and from house painting plus we are very interested in our clients being satisfied with their project, properly preparing the area where we will work and avoiding paint stains, in the same way, using the right paint. so that everything is perfect.
Israel Sarabia
Need help? Contact me
(678) 595-4376 or israel@housepaintingplus.com
Our History
Superior Painting Services
Build Decks And Repairs
In the construction and design of the deck we are not left behind, we will give life to that place in your house where you can spend the afternoons with the family or a good dinner outdoors with your partner, we will make that place the perfect place to have the best memories.
Why Choose Us
Reason For Choosing Us
Accredited Company
With over 30 years of experience, we bring expertise and professionalism to every project we undertake.
100% Guarantee
Whether you're looking to freshen up your interior spaces or enhance your home's curb appeal with exterior painting, we've got you covered.
Quality Material
We understand that quality is paramount when it comes to your home, which is why we pride ourselves on delivering professional services that exceed expectations.